Posalfilin Paint

Unfortunately this product has been discontinued and is no longer available.

Active Ingredients

Podophyllum resin 20% w/v, salicylic acid 10% w/v.

Product Description

Posalfilin Paint is used to treat common warts. It contains salicylic acid, which breaks down the outer horny layer of the wart, enabling the second active ingredient , podophyllum resin, to penetrate to the root of the wart, and kill it.


  1. Put a corn ring around the wart. The ring may need to be cut to fit.
  2. Apply as little ointment as you can to the wart. Take care not to get any Posalfilin on your normal skin.
  3. Now cover the wart and corn ring with a plaster.
  4. Wash your hands.

Repeat this daily until the wart is soft and spongy. Stop the treatment and do not cover with a plaster. After a few days the wart should drop off. If it does not, start using Posalfilin again.

If you use too much Posalfilin, it may burn your skin and you may need to see your doctor.

Warnings and Cautions

Posalfilin Paint has been discontinued. Please see Posalfilin Ointment.

Your pharmacist's advice is required for this product.

Posalfilin is a Pharmacist-Only medicine.

No prices listed for this product.